Eric The UnReady - Complete solution and points list (1000/1000 pts.)

}open chest
}take all
   [Your score has just gone up by 2.]
   [Your score has just gone up by 2.]
   [Your score has just gone up by 2.]
}read paper
   [Your score has just gone up by 2.]
*** Read all items ***
}tie rope to hook
}eat shit
}kiss pig
}give hog-wild to the pig
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}kiss pig
   [Your score has just gone up by 25.]
}read card
}take all
}read newspaper
*** Read all items ***
}read sign
}give card to giovanni
*** Answer the copy protection questions ***
}wear cloak
}look in pocket
}take packet
}look at packet
}take water with helmet
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}talk to guard
*** Talk about everything ***
}take kindling
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}plant bean
}water bean
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}climb the beanstalk
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}Put kindling in fireplace
}light kindling
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}give gold coin to bard
}wear earmuffs
}take banana
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}throw banana in pond
}read newspaper
                           *** Read all items ***
}give float to the tree
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}move branches
}open door
}open box
}read mail
      [Your score has just gone up by 2.]
}read sign
}open door with pickaxe
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}pull rug
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}open trap door
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}open case
}take beard
}search bones
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}wear beard
}give mail to ed
}give license to ed
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
*** Win memmory game ***
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}buy starter rock
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}push lever
}put starter rock in sling
}press green button
}shoot red button
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}take pitchfork
   [Your score has just gone up by 25.]
}tie cord to branch
}drop rock
}read newspaper
*** Read all items ***
}talk to bruce
*** Talk about everything ***
}talk to howard
*** Talk about everything ***
}read the sign
}read book
}read coupon
}give coupon to bruce
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}read menu
*** Order "Mead Lite" ***
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}take berries
}give tort-ease to turtles
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}read proclamation
}give mead lite to oaf
}take branch
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}light branch
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}melt wax
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}put blob on key
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}give blob to howard
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}open the door
*** Win Jeopardy game ***
   [Your score has just gone up by 25.]
}read newspaper
*** Read all items ***
}read sign
}wait 3 hours
Do you want to continue waiting? }}n
}shoot target
*** Repeat until you win all the prizes ***
}look at woodcuts
}look at red shell
}talk to musician
*** Talk about everything ***
}take band
}take leech
}close shade
}put band on viper
}put cord on aardvark
}take marble
}stand on board
}take marble
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}wait 2 hours
Do you want to continue waiting? }}y
Do you want to continue waiting? }}n
}give leech to jugglers
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}take gloves
}wear gloves
}climb maypole
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}take weed
}give boa to lily
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}give reed to musician
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}wear glasses
}play game
}turn red shell
*** Replace "red" with the colour of the shell the pea is under ***
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}sit on whoopee cushion
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}spit at boy
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}give apple to the chef
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}take apron
}look at woodcuts
}give woodcuts to barker
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}wear apron
}wear cap
}shoot tail
}shoot tail
}shoot tail
*** Repeat until you hit the dragon ***
   [Your score has just gone up by 20.]
}take all
   [Your score has just gone up by 25.]
}read newspaper
*** Read all items ***
}moon the unicorn
}take leaf
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}take robe
}wear robe
}look in pocket
}ring forth bell
}give newspaper to girl
}give hanky to girl
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}put leaf in bowl
}put hanky in bowl
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}take chow
}ring forth bell
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}wear ring
}get in vat
}give book to girl
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}read sign
}talk to goddess
*** Talk about everything ***
}give note to clio
}read note
}give note to morty
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}take all
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}read board
}talk to repairgod
*** Talk about everything ***
}give token to repairgod
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}put penny in slot
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}read list
*** Choose: Setting up Sodom/Gomorrah: Priming the fountain ***
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}read book
}give book to richard
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}read book
}push crank
}take slimewig
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}read note
}take note
}give note to clio
}give note to morty
}take woad
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}read board
}take note
}read note
}give note to clio
}give note to morty
}call 1-800-dominus
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}pull dragon tail
}light candles
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}take key
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}give nectar to god
}give nectar to god
}give nectar to god
}take egg
}drop egg
}wear costume
}wear woad
}hold book
}stand on egg
}eat slimewig
}turn around
}turn around
   [Your score has just gone up by 20.]
}open lock
}take crowbar
   [Your score has just gone up by 25.]
}read newspaper
*** Read all items ***
}give berries to zulu
*** Go to Milligan's Island ***
}take umbrella
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}take bottle
}look in bottle
}look at matchbook
}take matchbook
}look at matchbook
*** Connect the dots ***
}put matchbook in bottle
}put bottle in swamp
}take bottle
}look in bottle
}take certificate
}read certificate
}sit on raft
*** Go to Treasure Island ***
}read sign
}climb over fence
*** Pass the exam ***
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}sit on raft
*** Go to Monkey Island ***
}call banana
}give banana to monkey
}take coconut
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
*** Go to Lilliput ***
}put umbrella on belt
}put coconut on belt
}flip lever
}put dragon on belt
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
*** Go to iceberg ***
*** Go to Gnoll Island ***
}get off raft
}put coconut on guillotine
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}put umbrella in coconut
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}put rum in coconut
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}give coconut to daddoo
   [Your score has just gone up by 25.]
}read newspaper
*** Read all items ***
}put pitchfork in tar
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}throw crowbar at bird
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}put steak in eye
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}cut lightning with bolt cutters
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}take candygram
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}turn moon with wrench
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}turn hourglass
   [Your score has just gone up by 5.]
}take eyeballs
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}put eyeballs in skull
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}read book
*** Type: IIIVX ***
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}look in hole
}take makeup
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}read makeup
}wait 1 hour
}wait 11 minutes
*** The time should be exactly 10:30 ***
}put makeup on chain
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}open window
}ride broom
}ride broom
   [Your score has just gone up by 15.]
}open door
}read candygram
}read fine print
}wait 30
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
Do you want to continue waiting? }}n
}give candygram to witch
   [Your score has just gone up by 30.]
}take lorealle
   [Your score has just gone up by 20.]
}blow whistle
   [Your score has just gone up by 10.]
}get on duck
   [Your score has just gone up by 50.]
[You have now achieved a score of 1000 out of 1000 points.]
               This File have been written by Avi Machness.
          for corrections / additions / comments please contact
                    me at: [email protected]
	      Note: if you have points lists for any quest, 
	        or can give me more points for this one, 
	             please contact me ASAP.
		          Thanks, Avi

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